Alexander De Becker is a Professor and Doctor of Laws and obtained his Ph.D. titled ‘Legal foundations of the legal status of public servants’ in 2006. He teaches among other courses ‘Labour Law’, ‘Social Consultation’, ‘The State as Employer’ at the Faculty of Law and Criminology and ‘Labour Law in Health Organisations’ at the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences of Ghent University. His main research field covers the rights of public service employees in strong comparative law and international context, but he also has large expertise in administrative law and labor law in general. He is co-founder and director of the research center Lab for International and Interdisciplinary Social Affairs (LIISA) at Ghent University. Furthermore, for seven years, he was Professor holding the Chair ‘The State as Employer’ at the Universities of Amsterdam and Leiden in the Netherlands. Moreover, he conducted research as a visiting scholar at different universities such as Oxford University, the University of Wisconsin-Madison, and the European University Institute in Florence.
Prof Alexander De Becker